International Nuremberg Forum 2016

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The Chair of Religious Education of FAU, together with different Bavarian chairs of Theology and in cooperation with the Global Network of Public Theology and in connection with the Office of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), invites to the 12th Nuremberg Forum on „Public Theology – Religion – Education. Interreligious Perspectives“, taking place 3-6 October at Villa St. Paul, Dutzendteichstr. 24 in Nuremberg. The Nuremberg Forum 2016 intends to draw attention to the contribution of religions to the common good, with a focus on educational aspects and stimulated by the Christian concept of ‚public theology‘. By promoting interdisciplinary and interreligious academic and social discourse it aims to strengthen the religions’ public responsibility, especially with respect to public education, and their public visibility as resources for the humanization of societies. On 4th October, representatives of the four world religions will discuss this issue, and for the closing event on 6th October we expect the famous Egyptologist Professor Jan Assmann with a lecture about „Monotheism – blessing or curse. A matter of critical education?“. Opening and closing ceremonies are free accessible.

Forum website: